’12 in 200′ – part 2


Last Wednesday marked 200 days until summer in Australia, which got me thinking – how much can be achieved in 200 days? So I set out to make a list of things I want to achieve in this set time, forming my ’12 in 20′. Part 1 – here – saw my first 6 goals pertaining to Health & Fitness and Wellbeing. Here, I share with you the final 6 on Career & Money (that isn’t boring), Creativity and most importantly… ADVENTURE.

Money and Career

7. “Tread your own path”

Meet Scott Pape aka the ‘Barefoot Investor’ aka a man that actually makes finance seem sexy. Not only is he nice to look at but he also offers fantastic advice in language that even the least finance-savvy people can understand. I highly recommend you subscribe to his mailing list! One recent email of his particularly captivated me, which instructed how to manage your budget with the 60-20-20 plan (also in this article here). Basically: put 60 per cent into ‘Safety’ (divided into mortgage/rent, food, mobile &/or internet, car), 20 per cent into ‘Savings’ (that’s an online savings account, ensuring that you first clear any debt) and 20 per cent into ‘Splurge’ (here Scott directs you to “go out and blow 10 percent of your money on rubbish that makes you smile” – the other 10 per cent should go to longer-term splurges such as holidays).

And suddenly, budgeting makes more sense. I’ve been SHOCKING with my spending lately, and by attempting to stick to this plan I will feel confident my money is not completely going to waste. And that I will have enough saved for a family cruise in South-East Asia this coming January within 200 days!


8. You’ve taken the leap – now stop overthinking

One semester into my uni degree and I’ve already had thoughts like “am I doing the right thing?” and “where will this lead?”. My much smarter and reasonable self then steps in and says “CALM YA FARM AND TRUST YO’ INSTINCTS FOOL”. Indeed it was those instincts that told me to take a leap and go to university in the first place (after working full-time for 5 years). In the words of the better me, I must calm thy farm and go forth and just see what presents itself. Every time I’ve stressed about something like this it’s always made the situation worse and blocked any rational and progressive thinking. And then, things have always fallen into place. So with an active approach to managing such thoughts I will reduce stress, increase productivity and ultimately just win at life.


9. DIY

While I consider myself slightly artistic, it’s definitely not in a crafty kinda way. I don’t know how to sew. I can’t draw. I can’t remember the last time I used paint. I love expressing myself via creative avenues, so why am I limiting myself by saying ‘I don’t do craft’? I think I need to give it a go. Then by the end of it I will either be a)a person satisfied that she totally sucks at craft but also satisfied that she at least gave it a good go, or b)a person who probably sucks at craft but is way too lazy to really know for sure. The former sounds much nicer thanks. I love clothes, so that’s what the first project will be. It will involve: a sewing machine and paint, a reduction in top length (oh hi there midrift) and an attempt at tie-dye.

10. Explore new cultures

If you read my ‘How to be happy‘ feature you would know that I consider exposure to new and different cultures necessary in achieving inner awareness and contentment. I am so open to different experiences. But I don’t give myself the time to really immerse myself in these! I want to be out of my comfort zone in a foreign environment. I will experience this when I travel to Australia’s Red Centre in a months time, but don’t want to contstrain such opportunities just to travel. So I am starting to reap the benefits of the Digital Age by reading foreign news and watching completely out-of-the-ordinary films and doco’s. Even visiting places in my own town that hold completely different vibes than what I’m used to. By the end of 200 days, I would have experienced a sensual overload of new knowledge, awareness and appreciation.


In Croatia last year. A country I would easily drop everything for to immerse myself in again!


11. Reach new heights

At the beginning of this year as I was driving down south for a festival with a mate, we discussed our new years resolutions. I had three – one was to get the body of a fitness model (least serious), another was to embrace life (very serious, later deemed a ‘life’ resolution so as to not contain it to 365 days) and the other was to sky dive (serious-yet-possibly-didn’t-really-think-it-through-enough-before-it-came-out-of-my-mouth). I’d like to think I’m at least working towards the first one; the second I’m living and breathing; and the third? I’M CONQUERING. In Queensland. In one month. Yikes.

12. Get down and dirty

By battling obstacle after obstacle for 20km through mud, ice and whatever else is thrown at me in the beastly event that is Tough Mudder (“probably the toughest event on the planet”). This, my dear friends, shall require some pretty hardcore training. Allow its websites spiel to explain – Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie.  With the most innovative courses, 1,000,000 inspiring participants worldwide to date, and more than $5 million raised for the Wounded Warrior Project, Tough Mudder is the premier adventure challenge series in the world.   Bootcamp sessions here I come. I’ve heard amazing things about this event and can’t wait to get in there and get dirty!!!


Better stop taking stupid photos and start training…

It’s time to summarise my ’12 in20′. This is the person I will be in 200 days:

– I would have accomplished 2×12 week challenges, at least weighing 3kg more and havin me some fine abs;

– I will know how to cook an extra 14 dishes;

– I will be informed on, and therefore in-tune with, my own body;

– I will be swearing a lot less, benefiting my articulation AND mood;

– I will motivate;

– I will inspire;

– I will have control of my budget, and enough money saved for January’s cruise;

– I won’t over-think my career choices. I will be satisfied that my instincts are leading me in my destined direction;

– I will DO IT MYSELF;

– I will have been exposed to new experiences, people, places, sensations… things that are ‘abnormal’ to me;

– I will have gone sky diving over the ocean in north-east Australia; and

– I will have conquered an epic physically and mentally challenging journey.

I’d say I will have achieved a lot in 200 days. I will of course post progress updates on this blog – you can also follow me at @tessacp on instagram.

Now it’s up to you to ask yourself…. Where do you want to be in 200 days?

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