‘Slice of heaven’ cake (clean & gluten-free)


Excuse me while I DIE AND GO TO DESSERT HEAVEN where I’m sure there are angels singing praise for this cake. And everyone’s really happy there because well, it’s heaven, but also because they can eat this baby without feeling too guilty due to its clean ingredients and pleasing quantity-to-satisfaction ratio. Habitants of dessert hell (they would eat what Cadbury passes as ‘chocolate’) would be really jealous of its wonderful flavours and moisture (I hate that word but it has to be said).

Confession: before making this, I don’t remember the last time I ate chocolate cake. Or any cake for that matter. Alas, my gluten intolerance and healthy stance on food has steered me clear of such things. So imagine my joy when I stumbled across this recipe! I suppose you could say I was ‘singing to the heavens’. Ahem.


Coconut is being used so much in healthy cooking nowadays and I’ve been using coconut butter/oil for my grilling for quite a while now. The difference to normal oils? Well how it was first explained to me was that when you heat other oils to a certain point their nutrients are depleted. Coconut oil however has a higher resistance to heat and retains all its goodness. It has healthy saturated fats, which are  converted into energy rather than being stored as fat. It is also said to be a great booster to metabolism. On the flour front, not only is it gluten-free, but it is also high in fiber and protein. The addition to both of these coconut ingredients in this dish gives it a taste that reminds me of one of my favourite traditional Aussie desserts – Lamingtons :)

Okay so, the recipe… I can’t give you. Well, I COULD, but it would totally go against what I believe is fair when it comes to copyright. So instead I’ll simply lead you to the original owner of the recipe below and offer you an insight into its process by way of photographs.


Dry ingredients


Plus wet ingredients


Plus a 15 minute stint in the oven


Equals happy food time.


Go here to view the full recipe for these slices of heaven xx

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